
The sun is an average star in the outer third of the Milky Way. It is a main stage star (dwarf star) and forms the center of the solar system that forms it by its gravitation. It contains 99.86% of the total mass of the solar system and has a diameter of 1.4 million kilometers, 109 times the earth.
The earth is one of the eight planets orbiting the sun. The thermonuclear-powered radiation of the plasma ball, which is heated at the surface of 6000 ° C, is the basic prerequisite for the formation  and development of life on earth.
The sun is the closest and best explored star. Its surface (Photosphere) shows a periodically changing number of solar spots that are associated with strong magnetic fields. In addition to other phenomena, they are referred to as solar activity.
The sun, whose heavenly skies divided the (earth) day and the year, was already cultivated in ancient times.

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